Be Heard and Be Seen!
Please use this form to share your voice, build hope, and be a part of the solution! Share your comments, ideas, and suggestions: What coping mechanisms work for you and might help others? What resources have you found helpful? What resources would you like to see in your college, school or workplace? What changes do you want to see in the way mental illness is addressed in our schools, hospitals and communities? SHARE YOUR CREATIVITY! Add the songs, poetry, and art that your mental health journey has inspired you to create to our BrightLove Project Shared Voices, Shared Hope platform. Thank you for sharing your voice to help others!
If you want to share YouTube links please add them to your message
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

We will contact you before publishing.

We cannot guarantee that every submission will be posted, but will do our best. We reserve the right to edit content to comply with safe messaging guidelines.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call or text 988.

To be in compliance with data protection rules, we require your explicit consent to receive emails from us. If you leave this box unchecked we cannot send you any emails. Please view our Privacy Policy to find out how we use and protect your data. Note: You must be aged 17 or over to sign up. If you are aged 13-16, parental consent is required before we can add you to our mailing list, so ask your parent or caregiver to email their consent to